Sunday, April 5, 2015


It was the eyes, the eyes that made it visible to see that what we once had was no longer there. It was the lips, that after one kiss, made it hard to hate the taste. And the words you told me shot through me like an arrow to the heart. It was my heart that let me know that I wasn’t in love with who you were but more of the thought of you. We make it a point in life to fall in love. What hurts the most, though, is when the person you love doesn’t love you back. How do you cope with the feeling of being unloved by the person you love? There isn’t a definite answer to that question. You see, falling in love is a scary thing, having feelings for someone is a scary thing. We all assume we have to settle for something that is easy and within our reach because we are so terrified to fight for what we want. What is life without love? When you love someone you tend to be so blind and hardly ever step back to take in your feelings or even figure out what the other person is feeling. See, what I have learned, is you have to fight for what/who you love. You can’t sit around and wait for love to happen because you are going to get hurt in the end. Do not be scared of love. Although it is terrifying it is also a beautiful and precious part of life. 

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